Some articles about Ana Inés Ansaldo that have appeared in recent years.
Dr. Ana-Inés Ansaldo is committed to knowledge translation to end users of her research. Here is an example of a contribution to a Heart and Stroke Foundation video on stroke.
Prepared by the clinic's knowledge transfer committee. Video clip produced by the members: Louise Boulanger, clinic coordinator, Julie Fortier-Blanc, associate professor, Ana Inès Ansaldo, associate professor, David H. McFarland, full professor and François Champoux, assistant professor
nterview with Nouha Ben Gaied, Director of Research, Development and Quality of Services, Fédération Québécoise des sociétés Alzheimer
The brain has more than one trick up its sleeve. Coping with cognitive aging
Dr. Ana Inés Ansaldo presents a lecture: How to maintain communication with people with neurocognitive disorders?
Ana Inés Ansaldo wowed us all with her insight on the bilingual brain. Thank you, French Morning, for making this talk available on social media